Friday, August 15, 2014

Historical Sew Fortnightly Challenge #15: The Great Outdoors (part Two)

For my second entry for the Great Outdoors challenge I made a red wool version of Simplicity 4366.
I love Ike jackets and I wanted one of my own for a while but then I found the red wool and decided that I would pay homage to the Ike jacket but make it my own. I have to give credit to Tasha from By Gum By Golly for starting the sewing bug for the jacket. Tahsa made a great 1940's jacket for Rochelle's Sew for Victory last year (2013) in a wonderful green fabric. From the moment I saw the jacket I knew I had to make one and here it is. The shoulders are gathered into a yoke and the waist of the jacket is gathered into a waistband. The sleeves are gathered at the wrist and finished with a cuff that buttons. The buttons are self covered and the red wool cooperated in waves that Murphy's buttons couldn't dream of doing.
The pattern called for self made shoulder pads but instead of stuffing them I used two layers of crinoline. The crinoline made the jackets shoulders keep their shape but don't make me look like a linebacker (which I appreciate). The Jacket is also fully lined; the pattern didn't call for it but I knew I wanted it lined because of the wool. I had to adjust the facing piece because of the change but that was a quick fix. For all of the buttonholes I used my grandmothers Singer 9134 which is cranky but works most of the time. I added the pockets to the front, they're from Colette Pattern's blog Coletterie and can be found here. For attaching the pockets I had to wing it since I don't have the original Colette pattern the pockets actually go to.

The Scoop:

Fabric: Red Tango Wool and Medieval Blue Lining
Pattern: Simplicity 4366
Year: 1942 (Thank you Anne)

Notions: 9 self covered buttons
First worn?: Only around the house, it's not cool enough outside to wear wool
Make again?: Yes but the peplum version in green corduroy with flannel lining

Total cost: Pattern $12 but I'll say $6 because there's a skirt pattern with the jacket, Wool Fabric $19.24, Lining $9.98, Self Covered Button Kit $5.99 so total $41.21

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Birthday Surprise!

So Mummum's birthday was on Sunday and in celebration we're running a 25% off coupon in the Etsy shop. Just enter BIRTHDAYSURPRISE at checkout!

Picture credit:

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ohh the Irony and Historical Sew Fortnightly Challenge #15: The Great Ooutdoors

So I found this little skirt in Make and Mend for Victory (Downloadable here) and made it up over three days. The booklet was published in 1942 by The Spool Cotton Company. To make the skirt you need 5 bandannas. You sew 4 of them together leaving a 7" long opening on one seam for snap closures. Then you cut the waistband from the 5th bandanna. I took a 1/2" seam on sewing everything together because in my downloaded copy the seam allowance was missing, as was the width of the waistband which I made an 1 1/2". You then gather the skirt into the waistband. The directions say that you can close the skirt with ties on the waistband but I decided to close it with a wooden button instead (Belle Button-Natural Wood Burnout 18Mm from Joanns if you're interested)

The booklet also has instructions for a top to go with the skirt and that is next on my sewing table once I finish my Red Ike Jacket. The buttonhole on the skirt is done with my grandmothers Singer 9134 which does a one step buttonhole. The buttonhole didn't come out perfect but I think it had to do with how much the skirt is gather into the waistband. The irony part comes from the fact that it's raining outside today so I had to take pictures on Audrey, my dress form.

The Scoop:

Fabric: 5 Pink Batik Bandannas from Joann Fabrics
Pattern: Make and Mend for Victory Booklet
Year: 1942
Notions: Snaps and a Button
Hours: 3 days off and on
First worn?: Not yet, it's raining out
Make again?: Maybe not for me but my grandmother has been eyeing it up so perhaps one for her

Total cost: Pattern: Free download, Bandannas: $12.95, Buttons: all 3 cost $2.96 (yay 50% off) but since I only used one we'll say $.99, and the snaps came from my stash. Total: $13.94

Monday, August 11, 2014

Historical Sew Fortnightly Challenge #14: Paisley & Plaid

Ok so the challenge was due on August 1st.....10 days late isn't tooo bad. My entry to HSF is a 1939 Purple Plaid Brushed Cotton Flannel Dress. I've dubbed it the "Secretary Dress" it's justDuBarry 2347B made with the long sleeves ( I LOVE the darts on the sleeves!). I made the short sleeve version last year. This time around I took a 1/2" out of the waist and went with regular machine made buttonholes instead of bound button holes. The skirt is lined with a poly/cotton lining but I didn't line the bodice because I would rather feel the flannel next to my skin than lining material. Matching the plaid was also a challenge on the dress but overall I'm very pleased with the way it came out. This dress matches my favorite pair of shoes which was part of the allure in making the dress but the hunt is still on for  proper purple stocking. Found them! I hope to update the pictures the next time I wear the dress.
The belt I made from a 1950's self covering buckle kit that I found on Etsy. This was my first time making a belt but I had fun with it. The fabric is just a solid purple flannel that you cut 3 times wider than the belt and fold so there are no exposed raw edges. The fun part came when I had to put the grommets in because at that point I realized I did not have an awl so I scurried out to JoAnn's to buy one and then came back to finish the belt.
The prong was the most difficult part and I'm still not 100% satisfied with it but the belt works and stays where it's supposed to. I'm thinking of making some belt loops on the dress to keep the back and sides from shifting around. 
All the dress needs now is a tie!

The Scoop:

Fabric: Purple Plaid Brushed Cotton Flannel from their Plaiditude Collection
Pattern: DuBarry 2347B
Year: 1939
Notions: Zipper and 5 Buttons
Hours: I didn't keep track
First worn?: Not yet, it's too warm out!
Make again?: I'm not sure. I like the style but I might find something else I like more

Total cost: Pattern $7 (but I've already used it so it doesn't count) Fabric $20, Lining $5.08, Buttons $5.18 and Zipper $1.49 Belt Kit $4.50 Belt Fabric $.45 Total coming to $36.70

Etsy Sale!

Hello Folks!

My grandmother and I have put together an Etsy shop and we're running a 15% off sale at the moment. Just enter FACEBOOK14 during checkout. We have Fabric, Sewing Patterns and Vintage Jewelry so come check us out at

And Just because they're adorable have a hedgehog!
Photo Credit goes to