I finished this one early as I didn't do challenge two; while I'm away at school I figure I'll try to do the half marathon and if I'm luck over summer I can do all of the challenges. The third challenge in the 2014 Historical Sew Fortnightly is due February 15th and the challenge is pink. Awhile ago I bought some pink jersey fabric for McCall 1358,
the pattern is from 1947and featured in McCalls Style News for September of that year. My pattern is the colored version at the bottom. I was looking into why my envelope was in black and white and found that some patterns printed in Australia and New Zealand were not printed with colored envelopes. Even though the cutoff for the HSF is 1945 I still think this project can count.
During the war women used headscarves like this to keep their hair away from machinery, so I thought this style could have been used during the war and was kept on after it. But then I could be completely off base. This project was two firsts for me. 1) This is the first time I've sewn with knit jersey. 2) This is the first completely hand-sewn project since I was around 6. I completed this over three days but if you are using a machine I think this could be a great instant gratification kind of project. I stitched a line with dark thread so I would know where i needed to turn the seam.
Then I ironed on that line and folded the raw edge under and did a hem stitch to sew it down. The trim is just three pieces of fabric braided together without finishing those edges. I had to redo the braid three times till I was happy with it. I apologize for the grainy pictures, I had to use my school's ipad to take the picture because I stupidly forgot my camera at home.
The Challenge: # 3 Pink
Fabric: Raspberry colored Jersey
Pattern: McCall 1358
Year: 1947 but I think it would work for the war years as well
Notions: none
Hours to complete: 3 days with one intense day of hand-sewing and two of cutting and doing the trim.

First worn: Right when I finished it to see how it looked and then for pictures
Total cost: When I get home I can figure this one out
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