So I decided to dive into the 2014 Historical Sew Fortnightly hosted by the wonderful Leimomi.
She hosted the same event last year but most of the sewing I did fell outside of the dates for the challenges. This year the date has been extended to 1945, so my WW2 pattern stash can finally be put to work! The first challenge was in spirit of the WW2 campaign for 'Make Do & Mend' a huge task for those on the home front in Europe and the US because of rationing. Ironically I chose a pattern that would have worked for last years challenge; a reprint of Simplicity 1353 dated 1934 from the Vintage Pattern Lending Library ( also has a reprint of the pattern in a larger size, the one from VPLL is a medium) The pattern consists of a hat, collar, gloves, and a purse. I made the collar for this challenge from fabric left over from my 1937 skirt.

Fabric: 100% Brushed Cotton in a Blue and Black Herringbone pattern and Navy poly/cotton lining.
Pattern: Vintage Pattern Lending Library 1930 Ladies Hat, Gloves, Purse and Collar Ensemble a reproduction of Simplicity 1353
Year: 1934
Notions: One Button
Hours to complete: It took 4 days of on/off sewing
First worn: Not yet. Audrey had the pleasure though I do plan on wearing it for an upcoming lunch date.
Total cost: Pattern $15 but since it has four items I'm saying the pattern for the collar cost $3.75, Fabric from stash, Button and thread also from stash. So all in all it cost me $3.75 to make.
(oops, sorry about deleting the comment above, made a bit of a mistake, but here is what I meant to say XD) I absolutely adore the little collar/capelet you made! It looks so comfy and cozy, the perfect edition to any wintery wardrobe. I can't see any faults even if you had to "cannibalize" the fabric so much. I think it looks great and I hope you enjoy wearing it!
Lady Lavender's Expressions
Thank you Lady Lavender, It is very warm and I'm in love with it. some of the grain lines are a bit off on the lining but it doesn't really change anything drastically.