I just think that my muslin is too thick; which appears to be a common complaint about modern textiles versus historical textile. It appears to be better suited to petticoats (I've made one) and dress linings than a shift, however this article should stand up to many washings and wearings.

The second shift comes from 1830's Corset and Underwear Sewing Pattern from BlackSnailPatterns on Etsy. This is a different style entirely with a wide open neck and gathered sleeves. I made this one from 100% linen and it is completely hand stitched. This is the base for my 1840's ball gown for the Gala at Costume College 2018. My only complaint is that it doesn't have gores, though this doesn't impede my movement its just bothers me. It took me forever to hand stitch but I think it was good practice.